SD/SR Visa – Religious Worker Based Green Card

SD/SR Visa – Religious Worker Based Green Card

Qualifications of both the petitioning organization and the prospective religious worker are reviewed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) when the required petition is filed and by a consular officer during the prospective religious worker’s visa interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate. To qualify as an immigrant religious worker, for at least two years before a petition may be filed on your behalf, you must:

  • Have been a member of the religious denomination having a bona fide nonprofit, religious organization in the United States for which you are coming to work; and
  • Have been continuously carrying out the religious vocation or occupation that you intend to carry out in the United States.


  • To qualify for an immigrant visa as a Minister of Religion (SD-category), you must be entering the United States to work solely as a minister of your religious denomination.
  • To qualify for an immigrant visa as a Certain Religious Worker (SR-category), you must be entering the United States to work:
    • In a religious vocation either in a professional or nonprofessional capacity; or
    • In a religious occupation in a professional or nonprofessional capacity.